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Formulation of a work in human language, whose literary form and style can be detected and whose creation can be attributed to one or more individuals.
Equivalent Entity:
Name | Type | Description | Equivalent Property | Controlled Vocabulary | ||
Label Components | ||||||
preferred_name | text | Received or primary name by which the entity is known. | ||||
language | vocabulary | Spoken language through which the entity is primarily expressed. |
| |||
literary_form | vocabulary | Overall form of the literary style (verse, prose, mixed). |
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Hypothesis | ||||||
is_hypothetical | vocabulary | Whether it is received as fact that the entity existed (No, is not hypothetical) or it is attested in a hypothesis (Yes, is hypothetical). |
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claim_freetext | text | [Temporary] Brief note about the hypothesis that attests to this record\'s existence. The note is meant to temporarily store information that will eventually be entered into a Hypothesis entity, which should be linked back to this record. | ||||
Description | ||||||
alternative_names | text | Alternative names or titles, use for simple alternatives where additional metadata is not needed | ||||
is_expression_of | foreign key | Realization of an abstract, creative work through words, sound, image, etc. | ||||
peripheral | vocabulary | Not part of the main corpus\'s scope. |
| |||
specific_genre | foreign key | Specific literary genre or subgenre attributed to the text. | ||||
length | float | If in verse, the number of verses. For prose, the number of chapters. | ||||
length_freetext | text | Briefly describe any uncertainties or ambiguities about the length. | ||||
verse_type | vocabulary | Type of verses |
| |||
rhyme_type | vocabulary | Rhyme or assonance |
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Tradition | ||||||
is_derived_from | foreign key | Prior text(s) that the entity reworked as an adaptation, translation, versification, etc. | ||||
nature_of_derivations | text | Note about the nature of the text or texts from which this text is derived. | ||||
tradition_status | vocabulary | General evaluation of the overall survival of all the witnesses of a text. |
| |||
status_notes | text | Brief note detailing the entity\'s survival status. | ||||
in_stemma | foreign key | Reference to the stemma(ta) of the text. | ||||
Placeholder annotations | ||||||
has_lost_older_version | vocabulary | Certainty about whether the text is based on a now-lost older version of the same work (lost text)? |
| |||
ancient_translations_freetext | text | Free text description of translations and adaptations that were derived from this record. The idea is that these texts will later be added to the database and/or link to this record as their model. | ||||
rewritings_freetext | text | Freetext description of rewritings that were derived from this record. The idea is that these texts will later be added to the database and/or link to this record as their model. | ||||
note | text | Note(s) concerning the text and the tradition | ||||
Writing variant | ||||||
regional_writing_style | foreign key | A regional writing style (aka scripta), similar to the written version of a spoken dialect. | ||||
scripta_freetext | text | Brief, human-readable description of the writing variant (Scripta) with which this record is associated. | ||||
Date | ||||||
date_of_creation | date | Time when the entity begins to exist. | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P571 | |||
date_of_creation_certainty | vocabulary | Degree of certainty about the dating of the text\'s creation. |
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date_of_creation_source | text | Notes about the source of the creation date information. Include a human-readable summary or transcription of the date in the source as well as a brief bibliographic reference. | ||||
date_freetext | text | [Temporary] To eventually be input as a date object in date_of_creation field. Brief, human-readable description of the date given to this record. | ||||
People | ||||||
is_written_by | foreign key | The individual accredited with formulating an expression of the creative work. | ||||
is_adapted_by | foreign key | When the Text is an adaptation or translation of another Text, the individual accredited with creating the adaptation or translation. | ||||
author_freetext | text | Recommended for record label Human-readable reference to an author, which can include annotations about certainty. | ||||
Place | ||||||
place_of_creation | foreign key | Place where the entity was conceived or made. | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P1071 | |||
place_of_creation_source | text | Notes along with bibliographic citation about the source of the creation place information. | ||||
References | ||||||
described_by_source | foreign key | Work where the item is described. Property P1343 \nDescribed in source / written about in / described by encyclopedia / described by reference work | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P1343 | |||
described_at_URL | text | Described at webpage. Property P973 | ||||
reference_notes | text | Brief notes about a reference and/or citation that should eventually be added to the database and linked to this record. | ||||
Review | ||||||
review_status | vocabulary | Status of record\'s preparation for public view. |
| |||
review_note | text | Information to help with review of this entity. |