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Stemma of a tradition, as attested in an edition.
Equivalent Entity:
Name | Type | Description | Equivalent Property | Controlled Vocabulary | ||
Identification | ||||||
openstemmata-id | text | id in open stemmata | ||||
openstemmata-contributor | text | openstemmata contributor | ||||
reference_stemma | vocabulary | Is this the reference stemma for this particular text, or an obsolete one? |
| |||
text-title-freetext | text | Freetext version of the text whose stemma is being described. | ||||
text-author-freetext | text | Freetext version of the text author whose stemma is being described | ||||
genre | vocabulary | text genre |
| |||
Description | ||||||
stemmaType | vocabulary | Type of tree: reconstructed (general case) or observed (very rare) |
| |||
drawnStemma | vocabulary | stemma actually drawn in the source, or deduced from textual description? |
| |||
contam | vocabulary | contamination present (whether drawn or not)? |
| |||
extraStemmContam | vocabulary | Extra stemmatic contamination (i.e., coming from outside the tree) |
| |||
rootType | vocabulary | Root type if specified: original, archetype |
| |||
completeWits | vocabulary | Does the stemma include all witnesses? |
| |||
sourceText | vocabulary | If it is a translation or rewriting, does the stemma include the source text(s) ? |
| |||
derivatives | vocabulary | Does the stemma include derivatives (when applicable) such as translations, rewritings, … ? |
| |||
note | text | Note(s) concerning the text and the tradition | ||||
witness | foreign key | witness of this tradition | ||||
additional-witness | foreign key | witness of this tradition, yet not included in this stemma | ||||
lost-document | foreign key | lost manuscript, part of the tradition, usually not shown on stemma | ||||
References | ||||||
publicationType | vocabulary | type of publication |
| |||
Author | text | auteur (non contrôlé) | ||||
Title | text | title of the ... | ||||
pubPlace | text | publication place | ||||
publicationDate | date | publication date | ||||
Series | text | publication series | ||||
biblScope-volume | float | the volume | ||||
biblscope-page | text | page | ||||
stemma-number | float | stemma number (if more than one in publication) | ||||
URL(s) | text | The URL(s) of resources or web pages relating to the current record. Include http:// or https:// \nIf there is a primary URL, turn on the special URL field in the record type definition (Attributes) form., which will become a hotlink. |