If this record is an extant (not hypothetical) document, the shelf mark by which it can be requested or, in the case of unavailable archives, by which it is known.
Query Q104842294
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A physical entity: a book (manuscript, incunabula, fragment, printed copy…)
Equivalent Entity:
Name | Type | Description | Equivalent Property | Controlled Vocabulary | ||
Label Components | ||||||
current_shelfmark | text | |||||
location | foreign key | Location of the object, structure or event, i.e. the Mona Lisa\'s location is the Louvre Museum. Property P276 | ||||
collection | text | A single collection of materials with some unifying characteristic, housed in an archive. Query Q9388534 | ||||
invented_label | text | If this record is a hypothetical document, a useful label by which to recognize and refer to the document. | ||||
Hypothesis | ||||||
is_hypothetical | vocabulary | Whether the entity is attested (True) in a hypothesis or whether it is received as fact that it exists or existed (False). |
| |||
claim_freetext | text | [Temporary] Brief note about the hypothesis that attests to this record\'s existence. This information is meant to be a temporary note that will eventually be entered into a Hypothesis entity, which should be linked back to this record. | ||||
Description | ||||||
collection_of_fragments | vocabulary | Whether or not the document is a collection of fragments, compiled at a date significantly later than when the manuscript components were themselves created, i.e. a 19th-century collection of 12th- and 13th-century fragments. |
| |||
old_shelfmark | text | Outmoded shelf marks by which the archival object used to be known and referenced. | ||||
digitization | foreign key | A digitization of the archival object, preferably in its entirety. | ||||
digitization_freetext | text | Placeholder Reference to a digitization that hasn\'t yet been added to the database, as a means of temporarily storing information that will eventually be linked via an entity to this record. | ||||
Production | ||||||
date_of_creation | date | Time when the entity begins to exist. | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P571 | |||
date_freetext | text | Brief, human-readable description of the date given to this record. | ||||
date_of_creation_source | text | Notes about the source of the creation date information, including a human-readable summary or transcription of the time range. Can include a brief bibliographic citation. | ||||
place_of_creation | foreign key | Place where the entity was conceived or made. | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P1071 | |||
place_of_creation_freetext | text | Placeholder notes about the entity\'s place of creation, to eventually be converted into a relation to a Place entity. | ||||
place_of_creation_source | text | Notes along with bibliographic citation about the source of the creation place information. | ||||
References | ||||||
described_by_source | foreign key | Work where the item is described. Property P1343 \nDescribed in source / written about in / described by encyclopedia / described by reference work | https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Property:P1343 | |||
described_at_URL | text | Described at webpage. Property P973 | ||||
online_catalogue_URL | text | URL of the page in a library or archive\'s digital catalogue that serves as the reference for the document. Property P8768 | ||||
ARK | text | Archival Resource Key for the item or notice in the archival institution\'s catalogue / system. Property P8091 | ||||
reference_notes | text | Brief notes about a reference and/or citation that should eventually be added to the database and linked to this record. | ||||
Review | ||||||
review_status | vocabulary | Status of record\'s preparation for public view. |
| |||
review_note | text | Information to help with review of this entity. |